Feb 26, 2010


i hate this situation. really!

jadi gini. gue ngefans banget sama dunia JK-pop. dan gue selalu mencoba berlaku adil. dengan cara tentunya saling menghargai fans dari masing2 fandom kan? gue terus berusaha sampai hari ini. gue ga ngerti gimana caranya bikin salah satu dari mereka bisa liat juga dari sisi gue dan temen2 gue yang berfandoming pada salah satu grup j-pop.

ada berita tentang NEWS yang mundur rilis single karena ada salah satu grup kpop yang rilis di waktu yang sama. dan mereka, fans dan yah sebagainya, menjudge news takut akan hal itu. takut bersaing dengan grup itu. gue ga setuju!

menurut gue NEWS bukan takut. kenapa mereka mesti takut bersaing bahkan di negeri mereka sendiri? gue selalu yakin mereka bisa. buktinya mereka bisa melalui cobaan yang lebih berat, gue ulang ya LEBIH BERAT, dengan adanya 3 member yang cabut, dan vakum setahun. tapi kenapa mereka masih juga di judge yang jelek2??

sorry bagi semua fans grup kpop yang gue omongin. gue tau lo tau siapa yang gue omongin kan? gue berusaha untuk ga bashing. karena gue masih punya etika berfandom dengan ga saling bash. dan gue berharap lo semua masih menghargai itu. karena gue pun berusaha untuk ga mention nama grup itu. dan jujur gue akuin, gue emang ga suka sama mereka. bukan benci, cuma ga suka.

gue sih berharap dengan apa yang udah dilalui sama anak2 NEWS mereka akan mendapatkan apa yang harusnya mereka dapetin dari dulu. Penghargaan dari orang-orang, ga di underesteem lagi, bisa jadi lebih baik dan ga jadi Kuda Hitam. maaan, dia lebih dulu debut deh kayaknya dari pada grup kpop ituu!!!

yah sudahlah. pokoknya intinya, sebenernya gue kecewa sama mereka yang bilang fangirl tapi masih juga bashing dan menghina fandom lain. please, kita sama-sama punya fandom yang ga mau dihina kan? jadi please stop bashing and live in peace in fandom world.

NEWS, i know you can!! i believe in you guys. i believe you can face this with smile and received all of the happiness.

loving NEWS more.


Feb 21, 2010


its been a long time after my birthday right?
the last post was on Dec 18th 2009 and today is Feb 21 2010. its been 2 months already. again, forgive my bad english anyway...

i love to say that i have a goooood result for my first semester in college. i got 3.5 for my GPA. it is unexpected before because, you know, my major is Japanese and my teacher were kibishi *means killer or anything, i dont know what in english, my bad* so with that score, i guess its my good start on my College life. (however, there's my friend who got perfect GPA. 4! ooh i envy her soo bad).

anyway, i havent tell you about my fandoming life have i? my bad, sorry. it was great to have friend who have same interest right. so that's what i thought when i know them personally. should i tell you their names? oh, okay..

firstly i wanna to tell you the artist whom we love. they are NEWS (yamashita tomohisa, nishikido ryo, kato shigeaki, koyama keiichiro, masuda takahisa, and tegoshi yuya). we're all fandoming in NeX (News Express). and then, we're friends.

they are:
1. Shanie Nurhidayati - the older (im so sorry for mentioning this) but not 'tua' you know what i mean, lah. i knew her before i join Nex. i knew her from JPA. and Youtube. right? hehehhe

2. Yordina Virzara - the first fan girl i met (ah gue tau bahasa inggris gue jelek dah!). she is hmm.. yah, cheerful and always say that i can always make her laugh. hey, im not comedian! XP

3. Annisa Try Purwanti - her age just one year older i guess and she is Tegolover. hehhe. we havent meet yet, but someday, i really want to meet her and nie and lha and astri.

4. Astriana (im sorry dear i dunno your full name T.T) - she lives in Palembang. but, i feel like she lives near to me. anyway, heard cliche, but its true. she is a gamer i guess and dina said she is primadona. hehehehhe

the first four was my first friend from nex. we texting, fb-ing, forum-ing and called ourselfs the GF (before i joined them its Gejeh Four, but after i joined them its Gejeh five).

and then, there are 2 more people join us.

5. Enggar Penggalih - enggar (could you tell is it he/she? is Enggar girl or boy?) is a highschooler. 3rd grade. enggar is soooooo creative. i met enggar when UNJ held its first bunkasai. and i feel like i know enggar for ever.

6. Lha (i dunno her true name. sorry, im not a good friend) - is the my last clique in fandoming world. for the first time she asked for Shige's pairing for her new fanfic. but then, we going closer and be friend till today.

after that, we still call ourselfs the GF but it has different meaning now. its Gejeh Forever, now, after the GF growing. and even if my mom doesnt like it (she thinks i was overreact), but i love them as my friend. i really love 'em. really. its been like a faith that we can met here and be friends like this.


p.s.: again i want to say sorry for my bad english. my grammatical is bad, i know. but at least i try to write in english. right? thanks for your att.
